Common errors when doing abdominal exercises

Why it hurts my back to do sit-ups? Why do I have a sore neck when I do crunches? Here are some of the common errors when doing abdominal exercises, so that you can avoid potential injuries and pain.

Abdominal, common errors

We must avoid these common errors when you do sit-ups, if we want to be free of pain and potential injury arising from the poor execution of the exercises. We'll leave you here a link to the post: as do sit-ups if you want to read more about how to do the abdominal. Also, we suggest reading the post: the best exercises for abdominal.

Take off the lower back of the floor

The lumbar area should be stuck to the floor when doing abdominal crunch abdominal). The test to know if the lumbar area is properly glued to the ground, is to try to put the hand behind the back, if the hand does NOT enter, is that they are correctly attached, that is to say, there is no gap between the mat and

It is a part of the execution that the more you forget, do not “cram” the belly button towards the floor, so that they do not keep the abdominals tight and do not constrict the cross. In short, if you don't get the navel does not strengthen the middle zone with the same effectiveness.
Take off the lumbar area of the floor

In the vast majority of abdominal exercises, the lower back should always remain in contact with the ground to avoid back problems.

Common errors when doing abdominal exercises: Pull on the neck when climbing

"Why do I have a sore neck when you do crunches?" This is one of the most common errors when you do not know how to do abdominal crunch abdominal). When there is not enough strength in the abdomen, it is common to do a movement boost and try to climb doing a pull with the strong head by using a strong flexion cranio-cervical (tuck your chin hacial the chest).

The neck should be relaxed while you do crunches. If we place the hands to hold, these must be

Errors doing crunches: get a boost with the arms

Another common mistake, and very linked to: "why it hurts the neck to do sit-ups?", it is the mistake of taking momentum with the arms to compensate for the lack of strength in the abdomen. Usually, this impulse with the arms is linked to a sudden movement with the head to propel yourself upward, which is not something precisely good for our neck.

Do sit-ups in bed

If you have some idea of exercises and crunches, this frequent mistake you will be looking like a stupid notion... how To who are can happen do sit-ups in bed? I assure you that more people than you might think.

Why do sit-ups in bed is not good? Well. A bed is not a hard surface. Even if we talk about hard mattresses, these deform with the weight of our body, and we can never compare a mattress of a bed, hard as that may seem, with a mat on the floor. The position of the back and neck when doing crunches it is very important, if we are on a soft surface, these parts do not support or are in the correct position, so that it can be harmful to do sit-ups

Neglecting the tone of the muscles of the lumbar area

You should never work the front without compensating by working the back. You should try to work the muscle antagonist to prevent decompensation at the time of the workouts. The iron abdominal is a complete exercise that works proportionately in the abdomen and the muscles of the lumbar area. Click here if you want to read more about how to do the exercise the plank abdominal.

The same thing happens with the lower abdomen, the abdomen oblícuo and the transverse abdominis. All of them are important. We should never focus only on the upper abdomen. The Pilates method is a discipline created by Joseph Pilates that puts special interest in the work of the transverse abdominus and stabilizer muscles, as well as the abdomen oblícuo. Take a look at the reasons to practice Pilates.

Common errors when doing situps: go Up too

"The more I climb, the better and more work" lie. The more I climb, the more chance there is of not upload in the correct way, or of falling into the common errors that we have mentioned above, pull the neck, or push with the arms. Remember that you should always climb from the force of the abdomen. The shoulders should come off the ground (raising the shoulders, and maintain the support to the height of the shoulder blades). Once reached this position, a small roll up and down is enough to work your abs effectively.

Lower it too much

It is not necessary to get the full support of the shoulders on the way down. With respect to the initial position as mentioned in the common error above (stay high with the support to the height of the shoulder blades) is sufficient, and in addition is more effective than lowering your shoulders at all, since in this position the abdomen is held in tension.

The more crunches, the better

"Faster, and more quantity, it is better" Either. When we do crunches we should not focus on the speed, if not in the correction of the exercises. Disciplines such as the Pilates method opt for foreclosures slow, but very controlled and correct, to do sit-ups. These forms of exercise are of a very high effectiveness.

Obsession with abs

The obsessions are not good in any case. Many people are obsessed with the idea of having a flat abdomen, marked and toned. There is always to be realistic. Have a abdomen as well is the result of a constant work and a healthy diet.

When I do crunches it hurts my back

Do youwhy it hurts my back to do sit-ups? The common errors when you do sit-ups that we have mentioned above are the answer to this question. Do not place the lumbar properly (leaving a gap between the mat and the body), pulling or neck pulse with arms, or head that do not turn up by the force of the abdomen, are the most frequent causes of back pain doing sit-ups.

Every time are more people who practice the Pilates method to improve back problems. Take a look at this entry

Do sit-ups at home

Every time are more people that begin to practice exercise routines in your own home. This approach is fine, as long as you know how to do crunches the right way. Avoiding the frequent errors and performing the exercise correctly. If you're trying to do sit-ups at home, on your own, and you don't know how to do them correctly, it is advisable to go to a trainer to help you. If you're signed up to a gym, a monitor can show you and give you guidelines so that you will not make damage or injury at the time of doing the crunches at home.

We hope that this article about the common errors when you do sit-ups you enjoyed. If you want to read more about abs, you can take a look at the Wikipedia entry about the muscle of the rectum of the abdomen.