Boots investment’n or gravity. Benefits and where to buy

The gravity boots or boots investment, are a device that allows us to suspendernos completely and reverse the position, that is to say, colgarnos upside down. Also know as gravity boots, are huge benefits for our body. The boots and tables of investment are specially designed to counteract the compression forces exerted by the gravity on the column.

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That are the boots of investment?

Q.what are gravity boots? The boots inversion (gravity boots), or gravity boots, are a few anklets with a metal hanger and insurance, that allow us to colgarnos head without any other support. This type of investment has multiple benefits, among which highlights the level of circulation, which improves blood flow. Other of its most popular uses is to relieve back pain.

In addition to the health issues, the boots of investment are a great tool to do abdominal exercises like the crunch, but with the addition of intensity, because it works against the force of gravity.


The use of gravity boots to do some specific exercises, help to realign posture. The investment is often used as a therapy to retrain the posture. But, What are the benefits of gravity boots?

  • Improve the blood circulation
  • Improves lymphatic circulation
  • Relieve back pain
  • Reduces the load disc
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Improved posture (alignment)
  • Enlargement of the intervertebral space
  • Decompression lumbar

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Benefits on the vertebrae and discs

If there is a part of the body that are especially benefits of their investment positions, they are the backbone and the intervertebral discs. Thanks to the force of gravity and the weight of our body, the spine is suspended against the force of gravity, and placed in a natural way. In this way, it is possible to relieve pressure between vertebrae and compression on the intervertebral discs.

The therapy of investment with boots, lengthens the spine and increases the space between vertebrae, reducing pressure in between a vertebra and another

The intervertebral discs benefit greatly from the therapy of investment. These discs are composed of water, and are dehydrated throughout life, with the gravity or the impact of the movements. Thanks to the use of gravity boots can help these discs to rehydrate, and keep a flexible column during most years.


The use of boots anti-gravity also has its contraindications. This type of therapies and exercises investment are not suitable for some people. People with cardiac pathologies, intraocular pressure, blood pressure, pregnancy, hernia, among others, can not benefit from this type of exercise.

Reverse the posture by using boots investment , or severity results in an increase in heart rate, intraocular pressure and blood pressure, therefore, any person CANNOT use this technique.

When not to use the boots of investment

With respect to contraindications, the investment position is not suitable for some people, for example those suffering from heart disease, hypertension, pregnancy, obesity, some types of hernia, glaucoma, retinal detachment, vertigo, blood pressure problems...

Therefore, the list of contraindications of boots investment is the following:

  • Cardiac pathologies
  • Blood pressure
  • Pregnancy
  • Intraocular pressure
  • Glaucoma
  • Retinal detachment
  • Hernias
  • Vertigo
  • Problems with the tension
  • Obesity

Always you're going to do therapy investment or exercises with gravity boots, it is important to consult with a doctor about the risks and see if it is appropriate according to each case.

Precautions at the time of investing posture

The use of this type of gravity boots requires a certain physical form, to be able to hang and droop. It is always convenient to have close to a partner that may help us.

Buy boots of investment

Today it is very easy to find boots of investment or of gravity at a good price. You can find them both by boots investment as of gravity, since this is the same product. Below you can see a selection of the best boots of investment:

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